Many years ago I was diagnosed with lymphatic cancer. The caring oncologist was of the opinion, the lymphoma will reach the critical size in half a year and I’ll have to get chemotherapy.
At the same time has given me my former teacher of TCM the Guolin qigong exercises to relieve and fight cancer recommended. I have learned this and practised daily for over 1.5 years. Many lymphoma have become smaller and the disease process was stopped.
12 years later, when I was very overworked, lymphoma has grown so strong, that a tiny chemotherapy was necessary. But I’ve recovered me very quickly (also with help of acupuncture). Guolin qigong and acupuncture is very to recommend not only for side effects of chemotherapy. It intensified the treatment process and is therefore good companion at all stages of the allopathic therapy.
Guolin qigong is practiced regularly in the open air. The main goal of the exercises is self-healing. Statistics of Guoling Research Center show that a group of cancer patients, which had begun in 1981 with Guolin qigong, currently in the examination room until 1994 to 74%.
Guolin qigong is now considered effective in the treatment of severe chronic diseases such as liver, kidney inflammation, MS, diabetes and Lupus Erythematosus.